About Us


(Craftsmen of ideas)


Consisting of a team of young professionals and different nationalities acting into a strong network of collaborators; Takumi Music represents a window to the world for bringing in Japan a world wide selection of events. The aim of this project is to follow the development of internationalization of the new cultural scene anticipating its demands by proposing innovative solutions. Coming from a long experience in the field, we realize events collaborating with the main international organizations and Festivals. 



Takumi Music encourages cultural mediation between countries, looking for the best environment and strategies for the implementation of events ranging from music, to art, to fashion. Our vision for encouraging cultural diversity consits of proposing classical and modern artistic treasures through new perspectives in order to provide the audience with a unique experience of entertainment and deepening. Starting from a cosmopolitan vision of art and culture for take a chance to develop new opportunities, we want to propose an exchange and acquisition interface to foster new and lasting international relationships.



Planning, Organization, Production and Event Promotion.

Opera, classic, chamber music, jazz, contemporary, ethnic, avant-garde.
Ballets, competitions and music reviews, specialistic training, conferences, editorial seminar and productions.
We not only promote projects that are necessarily tied to music but also develop specific cultural pathways ranging from design, cinema, sport, food and wine events.



Takumi Music’s Motto is:

In Gut wE trUst

Inspired by extraordinary stories.


Growing feelings and emotions like small seeds in the ground.


Endless connections between arts, future and traditions by overcoming cultural and linguistic barriers.

Let's use our intuitions to make the world a better place!


This site has an explorative and inspirational function for the development of future projects. Our relationships are based on trust, fairness and mutual professionalism established over time with our partners.


It would be impossible to highlight all the contents we treat on this web-site, so please contact us directly for the further analysis and an introductory meeting. Please consider that it usually takes from six up to twelve months to organize an exhibition or an event. There are locations that require a reservation even two or three years in advance.




EKS LOGO BWlogo rocknetwork x takumi


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With the support of

logo rocknetwork x takumi

Archivio Storico Ricordi logo01

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"It would be impossible to highlight all the contents we treat on this web-site, so please contact us directly for the further analysis and an introductory meeting. Please consider that it usually takes from six up to twelve months to organize an exhibition or an event. There are locations that require a reservation even two or three years in advance."